Multi-Award-Winning Cult-Identity-Thriller Movie AMANDA by MORENO FUENTES, still Screening for International Selected Festivals and Film Events, is Now available for Home-Cinema Audiences On Demand for a Short Limited Period. You only Need to Open a Free Vimeo Profile.
Once hired, Audience can screen freely at Home within 24 hours non-stop period (non commercials, the highest Streaming Quality), and enjoying this particular and quirky Lady Amanda in Wisteria Purple Color (and her eccentric lovers) Screwball-Gothic Identity Thriller, alongside friends, mates, dudes, siblings... Considered a Cult Arthouse Movie in Great Britain, AMANDA has WON BEST 2020 LGBTQ MOVIE AWARD IN LONDON.
Two New Nominations had come from South Europe Fusion International Film Festival, that will be held in Valencia, Spain, next October.
Once hired, Audience can screen freely at Home within 24 hours non-stop period (non commercials, the highest Streaming Quality), and enjoying this particular and quirky Lady Amanda in Wisteria Purple Color (and her eccentric lovers) Screwball-Gothic Identity Thriller, alongside friends, mates, dudes, siblings... Considered a Cult Arthouse Movie in Great Britain, AMANDA has WON BEST 2020 LGBTQ MOVIE AWARD IN LONDON.
Two New Nominations had come from South Europe Fusion International Film Festival, that will be held in Valencia, Spain, next October.
AMANDA NORTH EUROPE FUSION INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL, LONDON EDITION 2020' BEST INTERNATIONAL LGBTQ MOVIE AWARD.// DRUK HIMALAYAS lNTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL-19 AUDIENCE CHOICE AWARD. // DELHI INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL (DIFF-19) SPECIAL JURY PRIZE, India. // MUMBAI INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL EXCELLENCE AWARD. Official Selection, India (MIFF-19).// NOIDA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL (NIFF-20) SPECIAL JURY PRIZE. Official Selection. India // CHAMBAL INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL. India. SPECIAL JURY PRIZE (CIFF-2020). // OMOVIES-19 Official Selection. Naples. Italy/ Queens Underground International Festival New York-19. Official Selection. United States// Semi-Finalist International Shortfilm in a Foreign Language, Los Angeles International Film Festival. US// 2 Nominations for South Europe Fusion International Film Festival. Valencia, Spain October2020.